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خلق: 03/09/2010 11:14
تحديث: 04/09/2010 09:07
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مادة: 352 The Athenaeum, Part 2 352 - 04/09/2010 09:07


Few of which are to be found correctly rendered in ordinary dictionaries. This difficulty is now in a way of being removed by the publication of the Dictionnaire Technologiquc, Fran$ais Anglais - A llemand, par MM. To'lhausen Frires ct Gardissal, which is to be followed by two other volumes, containing the English, French, and German, and the German, English, and French. Engineers, Skechers manufacturers, and others may find them of service.The following lie on our table:—Important Questions affecting the Existence of the Roman Catholic Church in England, by a Roman Catholic,— The Call of St. Paul Skechers shape ups to the Apostleship, —Notes of a Ministry in the Catholic Apostolic Church, Gordon Square,—A Cyclopaedia of Sacred Poetical Quotatiotis, Part II., by H. G. Adams,— Pleadings with my Mother,—The Church in Scotland, by Thomas Carlyle, Advocate,—and The Law is Light: a Course of Four Lectures on the Sufficiency of the Law of Moses as the Guide of Israel, by the Rev. D. W. Marks, Minister of the West London Synagogue of British Jews.[ADVBRtflBBMB.tT.]THE AUTHORITY FOR THE OBSERVJKNCE OP 6G0D FRIDAY.ft) is so universally admitted, as to render the production of proof unnecessary. That our Blessed Lord was raised from the dead on the First Day of the week; and it is as universally adroitted. that while on earth he himself declared. Matt xii. 40, " For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights shape up Skechers in the heart of the earth.1' The entire authenticity and correctness of these words are not questioned- by any one; their Literal Sense is clear, and determines. That if our Saviour was raisedfrom the dead on the First Day of the week, he must have Buffered, and Skechers shape-ups been buried, on the Thursday preceding.The record of the duration of an Shape ups event, admits of two distinct Forms of description. The event may be described, in relation t» the actual amount of time that it occupied; or, in relation to t) ; number of the appointed divisions of time on which it occurred. Thus a journey to Rome mar be described as completed in ten days, or, on the eleventh day ; either is equally correct: the one specifies the actual amount of time it occupied, the estimate of which commences with the journey; the other the number of the days, the appointed divisions of time, on which the journey was being performed, in Greek as in English, tho one Form is distinguished from the other, by the Expression and Omission of the Preposition On. In the specification of the actual amount of time an event occupied, the Preposition is not expressed; in the specification of the of the appointed divisions of time on which it occurred, the Preposition must ho expressed. Supposing our Blessed Lord to have suffered on Friday, aU the following Shape ups shoes statements are just; He suffered on the first day—He rested in the grave on the second day — He was raised from the dead on the third day—He laid in the grave two days—He was two days and two nights in the heart of the earth—He was raised from the dead the second day, certainly not. He was raised from the dead the third day; or, He was three days and three night*, in tho heart of the earth; for then, from Friday tc Saturday must be. Two day* and two nights, and.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مادة: 352 The Athenaeum, Part 2 352 - 04/09/2010 09:07


Few of which are to be found correctly rendered in ordinary dictionaries. This difficulty is now in a way of being removed by the publication of the Dictionnaire Technologiquc, Fran$ais Anglais - A llemand, par MM. To'lhausen Frires ct Gardissal, which is to be followed by two other volumes, containing the English, French, and German, and the German, English, and French. Engineers, Skechers manufacturers, and others may find them of service.The following lie on our table:—Important Questions affecting the Existence of the Roman Catholic Church in England, by a Roman Catholic,— The Call of St. Paul Skechers shape ups to the Apostleship, —Notes of a Ministry in the Catholic Apostolic Church, Gordon Square,—A Cyclopaedia of Sacred Poetical Quotatiotis, Part II., by H. G. Adams,— Pleadings with my Mother,—The Church in Scotland, by Thomas Carlyle, Advocate,—and The Law is Light: a Course of Four Lectures on the Sufficiency of the Law of Moses as the Guide of Israel, by the Rev. D. W. Marks, Minister of the West London Synagogue of British Jews.[ADVBRtflBBMB.tT.]THE AUTHORITY FOR THE OBSERVJKNCE OP 6G0D FRIDAY.ft) is so universally admitted, as to render the production of proof unnecessary. That our Blessed Lord was raised from the dead on the First Day of the week; and it is as universally adroitted. that while on earth he himself declared. Matt xii. 40, " For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights shape up Skechers in the heart of the earth.1' The entire authenticity and correctness of these words are not questioned- by any one; their Literal Sense is clear, and determines. That if our Saviour was raisedfrom the dead on the First Day of the week, he must have Buffered, and Skechers shape-ups been buried, on the Thursday preceding.The record of the duration of an Shape ups event, admits of two distinct Forms of description. The event may be described, in relation t» the actual amount of time that it occupied; or, in relation to t) ; number of the appointed divisions of time on which it occurred. Thus a journey to Rome mar be described as completed in ten days, or, on the eleventh day ; either is equally correct: the one specifies the actual amount of time it occupied, the estimate of which commences with the journey; the other the number of the days, the appointed divisions of time, on which the journey was being performed, in Greek as in English, tho one Form is distinguished from the other, by the Expression and Omission of the Preposition On. In the specification of the actual amount of time an event occupied, the Preposition is not expressed; in the specification of the of the appointed divisions of time on which it occurred, the Preposition must ho expressed. Supposing our Blessed Lord to have suffered on Friday, aU the following Shape ups shoes statements are just; He suffered on the first day—He rested in the grave on the second day — He was raised from the dead on the third day—He laid in the grave two days—He was two days and two nights in the heart of the earth—He was raised from the dead the second day, certainly not. He was raised from the dead the third day; or, He was three days and three night*, in tho heart of the earth; for then, from Friday tc Saturday must be. Two day* and two nights, and.